The ICON Motosports Drift series started with a small clip in ABQ, NM against a V8 RX-7 and Nick Apex drifting a safety yellow Kawasaki ZX-10, pretty low budget but everybody flipped a shit.

The sequel added POWAH: a Mustang, two drifting Triumph Speed Triples with the addition of Ernie Vigil, and Officer Dan. The sequel to that added turbos to the mix in force, and now; now things have gotten awesome, and big.

More turbos. Two Mustangs. A plotline. Dax fucking Shepard, horrendous Russian accents, and still some of the best riding in the world. ICON has gone across the border to Mexico and back in a LED-lit salute to burning rubber and drone budgets, and pitching motorcycles sideways.

They even found a way to wedge in one of these bonkers Scorion P6‘s.

It’s a drug run and a party all at the same time. So pull up a seat and take 13 min. out of your day to get suislideways with the ICON boys.

Who knows what they’ll cook up next.

We also have some exclusive behind-the-scenes shots. Take a look, enjoy the ride.


E3 Spark Plugs