E3 Spark Plugs

Don’t take life for granted. Don’t sweat the small stuff. In our daily lives it is so easy to get upset or stressed out over something as basic as a delivery being late. Think about your worst day.. Now what if that was your last day? It wouldn’t seem so bad. That burnt burger and crappy service at the restaurant, the fact you broke your phone.. That all seems so laughable when you realize we don’t have that much time here on earth.

Jake Jennings and Josh Hensley along with Brittany Branch were driving down I-40 outside of Knoxville, TN. Something happened to one of their cars so they pulled over on the side of the high way. Shortly after a car ran into them and took Josh & Jake’s lives. Brittany was sent to the hospital.

I, personally, met Jake through Import Alliance — he had his head on straight for some one his age. He was more mature at 20 years old than I was. He was a nice young man who had a lot going for him. A lot of friends that care about him as well as a great girlfriend and family.

In the car scene people like to complain about the bad things. The scammers, the thieves, the elitists, and the junk. But there are many good people I’ve met in the car scene. Jake Jennings was one of them. I’m sure Josh was one of them too.

Rest in peace Jake and Josh. Everyone else be safe out there and keep life in perspective.

News Article: Click me.

If you wish to donate to the GoFundMe Account in support of Jake, Josh and Brittany here is a link: GoFundMe Link

Josh and Brittany, Jake

Josh and Brittany, Jake



Photo of Josh’s VW Bug.  Photo by Josh McCoig


Photo of Jake Jenning’s Skyline Photo by Josh McCoig