Jade Richardson is a software engineer from California, and I’ll tell ya why that’s relevant. It’s relevant because even HE understands (*as a software engineer from California*) that all cars don’t need to drive like damn iPhones, Teslas, or automated tech support. Nothing against an iPhone or a Tesla or the other thing. But not everything has to be future-stupid & souless. Sometimes analogue & physical is a nice touch. And that’s why, to keep himself grounded & well-rounded, Jade rips around in this golden-era 1993 Autozam AZ-1. And in case you’re wondering, his ‘daily car’ is an ND Miata lol. So the dude knows what he likes, & what he likes is small sports cars. Because honestly, when it comes to driving, to hell with AI, auto-pilot, or ‘auto anything’ that puts a condom over the real experience. Let’s talk about the AZ-1 & it’s DNA.

By the early 1990s, the auto industry was eyeballs-deep in rad energy…
Charisma, coupes, vibrance, style, & driving spirit… that’s what was fueling the auto industry. Just say the name out loud: Autozam AZ-1. Yeah… you feel that. No one (especially no one youthful) wanted to travel invisibly. We were psyched to be heading towards the new millennium. BUT we weren’t gonna get there autonomously. No way. We were strapping ourselves right into the driver’s seat… that’s how we approached it.
At the time, Autozam was an offshoot sub-brand of Mazda. And the Autozam AZ-1 encapsulates the spirited energy that Japanese carmakers were bringing to the table.

Cars like the Autozam AZ-1 grabbed you & engaged you…
For those unfamiliar, the AZ-1 was a Japanese-market kei car. The ‘kei’ segment restricted both vehicle size & engine size. In other words… think tiny. They’re so small that they couldn’t be sold in America, nor would it have been profitable anyway. But in Japan, kei cars & trucks offered economical vehicle ownership. Economical, however, did not have to mean boring…

The AZ-1 is an absolute blast to drive…
It’s mid engine & rear-wheel-drive with short gearing, and weighs less than 1,600lbs. Power comes from a turbocharged .657-liter inline-3 (kei’s were limited to 660cc). And the AZ-1 has totally awesome Gullwing doors to boot! In the Autozam AZ-1, you can hit 9,000rpms in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear… probably before you even really break the speed limit. It’s a driver’s riot.

People just instinctively spoke the language of ‘sports car’ in this era…
You couldn’t keep the energy out of the boardrooms. Even your mom’s turquoise ’92 Accord had a pretty neat driving experience. It was a time of exciting cars, built by an exciting industry, for excited people… to go out & experience an exciting world.

But in recent decades…
Sometime since the dawn of our iPhone obsession, it seems like we’ve watched tech & connectivity bleach & brainwash the automotive industry. Most car companies have lost their mojo. And the auto industry’s focus has blatantly shifted from driving, to mobility. And from alluring… to convenient. In short, they’ve applianced themselves. There’s an important distinction though…
Technology & software is not the problem here…
Rather, it’s the way we’ve allowed tech & software to numb us to the energy of real moments. That’s the problem. It’s also the way we use tech & software to compensate for natural human skill & capability… that’s the problem as well. And that’s on us. Sometimes we’ve gotta free ourselves from the handicaps of technology, and take the reins. Look I get it, I get it…

There’s freedom in modern tech…
And there’s a freedom in being ‘connected’. It’s a huge convenience that frees up our time/schedule, and allows us the flexibility to do all the things we’d rather be doing. Ok fine. But… what are we actually doing with all that new time & freedom? Cause to me, it seems like we’re just tapping on more screens & keeping our windows rolled up while the world passes by. We’re not using the time. There’s a thin line between connected… & captured. Learn to make that distinction if you haven’t already. Because with tech, software, screens, & algorithms prying into all waking moments of our lives… have we really freed ourselves? Or have we actually enslaved ourselves to the illusion of freedom? I guess that depends, when was the last time you rode a jet ski? lol jk
Don’t let ‘em steal your moments though, for real…
Because convenience can easily come at a cost to your authenticity & character. The easy path never really gets you to the most rewarding destinations. Nor does it give you the best stories or friendships. Look – right now you’re alive, you have a pulse, and you have air in your lungs… live! Drive! Break off the leash. Drive with intention. You have to ‘get there’ anyway… so do it in a way that invigorates & inspires your soul. Put yourself absolutely in the moment without distractions. Tell Elon you’re a big boy/girl, and you can do it yourself lol.
Bottom line: You’re not gonna be on this planet forever. Every day is a gift to soak in. Do you really want to spend your days here autonomously with paywalls & monthly subscriptions & curbside BS? You don’t need 500hp or a big bank account to capture the moment. You just have to realize the moment’s there.
Photos by Kevin Burke