What are we chasing man? Let’s call it out. In today’s culture, I think a lot of us are chasing attention, adoration, clout, power, followers, envy, dollars, etc. But on a deeper level, to be more specific & fair, I think what we’re really chasing is relevance. Ponder that for a second while we get to Will Lockwood and his S14.5 240SX. 

lowered S14.5

Social media started out as an (innocent enough) way… 

To keep in-touch with friends online. But it mutated into something much worse. It gave us our own stage & spotlight, turned a mic & camera on, and then left the room & assured us that people were watching. And in less than a generation, it made us self-consumed with our own relevance. Not that we weren’t already. But it took it to a global & far more potentially destructive scale. Social media was the key that unlocked Pandora’s Box. And it’s prostituted the way we interact with our world. A lot of us aren’t truly ‘living in our moments’… rather, we’re living moments on our stage for this digital audience/identity we obsess over. 

lowered S14 240sx

So how does that play out? 

Self-doubt, anxiety, depression, disconnection, aggravation, restlessness, superficiality?? Does any of that sound familiar in modern culture?? 

I think internally, social media has diseased our minds to the level where we’re constantly rating & comparing our own relevance. We quantify each other’s AND our own relevance with a follower count. We’re consumed with it, and most of us are unaware of the control it has over our thoughts. So back to the original question: What the hell are we chasing really? And why is it, that so many of us can’t seem to get there?

green S14

I think at the core of it…

What we’re chasing is pretty simple & fundamental. We want happiness, inner/outer peace, wisdom, contentment, fulfillment, connection, a sense of purpose, rewarding & joyful life experiences… and maybe a little excitement & fun lol. And overall, I think it’s pretty simple to get there honestly. If we’d just let it be simple. But often times, we go & complicate the hell out of it. We lose our path along the way, and default to chasing MORE. More of everything. We keep moving the goal posts back on ourselves. Why do we do that? 

Will Lockwood green S14 240sx

Ambition is good thing…

Goals are good too. But a sense of clarity in the midst of a fallen world is critical. Run your own race. Have ambition & set your goals… but don’t set them while you’re looking over your shoulder. It’s like they say, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Comparison (and the discontentment that almost inevitably follows) is stealing our joy. And keeping our hearts & minds in an endless loop of preoccupied discouragement… in the prime of our lives.

240sx stance

Whoa that got pretty deep for a green 240SX lol…

But Will Lockwood, the owner of this S14.5, said something profoundly simple when I was talking to him on the phone. He’s owned this 240sx for 15 years… and purchased it completely stock. And basically I asked him something along the lines of “So, what are you gonna do next?” He paused and said, “Man, I guess I’ve been doing it!” Let that sink in. 

bagged S14

See, we live in a disposable age…

That’s another thing we need to stay keen on, because it’s yet another unnatural new normal of our consumer-driven culture. Funny how ‘sustainable’ has become the buzzword these days. “Be sustainable… by buying our shiny new product.” Right. But anyway – people don’t hang onto things very long anymore in these times. They don’t see it through. Rather they bounce around from trend-to-trend, hobby-to-hobby, car-to-car, relationship-to-relationship, cause-to-cause… trying to find their identity in it. (When really your identity is in The Most High & how He created you with love & purpose… but we’ll stick to the green 240sx lol)

slammed 240sc

Will Lockwood built this S14.5 240sx for memorable times with friends…

The focus behind the S14 was never on the material, it was on the relational. You see the difference there? People who build cars for YouTube channels, Instagram pages, or the next passing phase… they always feel the need and/or pressure to ‘level-up’. They’re running a race, but it’s not necessarily their own. Run your own race. Know how to stop… and ‘enjoy’. Recognize & reflect on what brings you happiness, versus what masquerades as happiness. And know that comparison will only weigh you down & cloud your vision. 

Photos – Jeremy Wright (feature), Alec Hanson, and Pierce Sams

slammed S14

1995 Nissan 240SX



S15 garret t28

ISR turbo manifold, down pipe & exhaust

GReddy style intake manifold

HKS blow-off-valve

Mishimoto intercooler & radiator



S15 front end conversion

Seibon carbon fiber hood & roof wing

Carbon Creations kouki wing

Navan side skirts

Carbon fiber side splitters

JDM kouki rear valances & rear bumper

Work VS SS wheels (18×9.5+12 & 18×10.5+15)

KPMF Dynamic Lime Green wrap

JDM fog lights & side markers

Ganador mirrors with Aerowolf mirror canards

Kouki taillights

S15 front end S14


Airlift Performance bags & struts, seamless tank, & 3P Management

Megan Racing tie rods

ISR rear arms & tension rods

S14 spoiler


Braum seats & harnesses

NRG short hub & quick release

Grip Royal steering wheel (custom)

NRG harness bar

STILL HOOD star-bomb shift knob

bagged S14

lowered S14

Stature slammedenuff S14

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