I want to take our new Mustang through the full progression during this build. We already installed the new suspension to make the car stick to the road. Now we need to install some new seats to help me stick to the car. There is nothing more annoying than hitting a corner and having to use your knee or elbow as a brace to keep yourself upright. When messing around in the twisties, I want to be as low as possible in the car (this particular seat sits only 2.5” above the floor), and I want a seat that hugs me (and tells me that everything is going to be ok).

Corbeau Sportline RRS

This is exactly why our friends over at Corbeau sent us a set of brand new Sportline RRS seats and brackets. On top of being extremely functional, these seats look great doing it as well. They have a slim and sleek design, smooth black vinyl, and a carbon fiber vinyl back. These seats are truly beautiful, and happen to match the black interior of the car perfectly. Plus they don’t rub the center console like some of the more bulky seats tend to.

First things first, Ford did not make this install easy on us. They seem to have fallen in love with torx style bolts, so make sure to go ahead and get yourself a new torx bit set and a breaker bar for those stubborn few bolts that don’t want to cooperate. This is a new car, so no need for a torch; just torque and leverage. I think the guy who tightened down the last seat mounting bolt on my car at the factory must have been having a bad day, because that thing did not want to budge. He must have had some serious hate in his heart and he now owes me 2 new bits and a ratchet.


Written by Mike Sanders

E3 Spark Plugs