I saw a meme that got me a little triggered. And admittedly, while I can certainly appreciate some of the truth to it… I also think “you can’t have it both ways”. Fact – your parents and grandparents were not driving around in cars that practically drove themselves – with infotainment screens & bluetooth & navigation & backup cameras & auto-everything with auto/dual climate & remote start & turbochargers & traction control & 400+hp with 10-speeds & 12-way electronically adjustable seats that warm your buns, etc. Also – the government largely stayed out of their damn way & didn’t over-regulate every industry… running up the cost & unnecessarily overcomplicating products. Our elders lived a simpler, more affordable life. Today – we have the option to complicate our lifestyles a lot more. We’re practically corralled into it. And often times, we jump at that option… so long as we think we can manage the monthly payments.
A meme got me triggered

I think you might be way off on this one. Sure, there’s more to spend our money on today. But the sheer ratio between average income and average housing cost then vs now… not even close. For the majority of people, it’s twice as hard to make ends meet now than it was during the Great Depression. That’s math. The whole, “you should just buy less Starbucks and you’ll be fine” thing is victim blaming, cruel, and completely useless advice for those that are right at the edge of breaking. I doubt that’ maintaining the status quo is what you were going for, but you’ve got a platform. Careful with that.