What a year

2008 is almost over…finally. We have seen some things happen this year that were very unexpected. Big players in the import car industry closed their doors and cancelled their plans/events, the stock market took a dump,...

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…In the next issue (part 2)

Alright – hope you guys like this car, because it’s going in the next issue too (also see red Civic from a couple posts down). I took these pictures of Walker taking pictures over at Wagenwerks. Just for reference...

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PRI Show in Orlando

Well, last Wednesday, Jonathan and I decided that it would be a great idea to make a quick day trip down to Orlando for the PRI show in Orlando. Boy were we wrong. Haha, I kid I kid. We are up in Atlanta, so the 7 hour drive...

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Down… and then back up

Man – I had to cross the city of Atlanta during rush-hour last night . . . because I had to sell off my S13 shell in order to make rent this month. I didn’t want to . . . but I had to. So I was really feeling stressed about the...

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