Volk wheels CE28 N bronze

Text by Joe Gustafson

ChazAttack Midwest Drift Union Streets of Detroit Event


Search the Tumblr machine and you’d think Detroit is nothing but black and white crumbling buildings. Contrary to popular belief, Detroit is on the color spectrum.

They are also rapidly improving the place block-bursts at a time. There’s a sandbox in the middle of downtown, artisan espresso, and brunch galore. Not exactly hardcore, but delicious; and my sand castle ruled.

Additionally, there’s rad shit happening everyday within the regrowing expanses of the urban center, such as the Midwest Drift Union Streets of Detroit Event.

Taking place in front of the photographed Michigan Central Station, this grassroots drift sesh brought the boom to Corktown last weekend.

Stoke was high, smokey plumes were a’ plenty, and because of the awesomeness of the location, you could enjoy gin and drifting at the same time.

If you’re in the Midwest, put this on your radar for next year. As a bonus, you can cruise the Dream Cruise at the same time.

With reinvestment happening by the minute, who knows how long we’ll be able to show up and get smoky in the middle of Detroit? …Better enjoy this while we can.

All photos by Travis Holland @Made_in_Ypsi

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