JDm exhaust

The auto industry is full of soft news these days, seemingly focused on screen size & range above all else. But not this time! Ferrari said they’re committed to keeping the V12 around for the next generation… and for as long as possible. So thank you Ferrari, for showing some courage, passion, & gumption. And for knowing who TF you are & where you came from… and defending it! And for not just caving to put V12 speaker sounds’ in some shapeless EV with a Ferrari badge & calling it pedigree, eh? According to a quick article on Motor1

Ferrari is keeping the V12 alive…

Even though they could admittedly make more power with a forced induction V8… and likely even do it more efficiently. So why bother?? Why not just let the Ferrari V12 fade into the sunset? Because a Ferrari V12 is magical dammit! It’s fire-breathing, mechanical artThe sound of a Ferrari V12 drills straight into you soul & freaking stirs it. It’s the pinnacle of passion. And passion… get this… defines the human experience. Passion is the language of your soul. It’s the difference between you… and a cow.

Right now, humanity is at an absolute critical point…

Where technology is flat-out challenging & attacking what it is to be human. Do not underestimate it: This is the fight of our generation, and we’re losing. Across the board (certainly not just in the automotive realm), technology has crossed a dangerous tipping point. In many ways, technology is no longer enriching our lives… but rather… it’s sterilizing the human experience. Reducing life to convenience, efficiency, autonomy, and anonymity. Technology has infiltrated & infected nearly every form of art & expression… as well as our families, communities, and livelihoods. And the convenience & excitement that technology once provided… has now morphed into a cancer. Passion is our defense here. And a hell of a defense it is! Embrace it, seek it out, support it, and fight for it! In ALL aspects of life. Kudos to Ferrari.