We are running a SPECIAL PROJECT (really special), and hereโ€™s how it goes: If you subscribe now, we will put a picture of your car in the next issue (issue 15). No joke; no catch; just trying to keep it real. All youโ€™ve got to do is subscribe . . . and then click here to get the details on submitting your photo. Doesnโ€™t matter if the car is perfect. Doesnโ€™t even matter if itโ€™s running. We just want to show people what youโ€™ve got.


Weโ€™re also working with some advertisers, to get a few of yaโ€™ll some free sh*t. The advertisers will pick cars at random from the mag, and hook them up. No promises on that part yet . . . because weโ€™re still trying to figure out who is advertising, and who is willing to give up loot. But hopefully weโ€™ll get some cool advertisers on board.

PS: Just so you guys know . . . we donโ€™t donโ€™t even make money from these subscriptions. Think about it: It costs roughly a buck for us to make each copy . . . and over a buck to mail it. You get 12 issues so do the math – we lose money on every subscription. But the hope – is that we can make the money back when advertisers see how rad and down-for-the-cause you guys are . . . and then they want to put an ad in the mag, because they want you guys to see them. Just thought you should know. This isnโ€™t just a scheme to get your money. This is us asking for your support.

Click here to sign up now!

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