The name ‘NOPI’ is synonymous with the hay-day of the import culture. The tie is unbreakable. But then as forums & social media rose, sub-sub-sub cultures emerged, judgmental hipsters were born, the world changed… and what was obviously cool became ‘uncool’. We’ve become very finicky with how we take our entertainment these days – Euro only, stance only, Toyota only, etc. We like it on small plates. Exclusive-type events almost every weekend… most not large enough to bring out the BIG crowds and the BIG vendors (aside from the likes of IA, Wekfest, etc). And that’s been the tone of the last decade. Meets > shows. Now, online hipsters turn their nose up at obnoxious paint jobs, bikini contests, loud systems, and trophies. And frankly – it’s hurt the industry side of the aftermarket.
But NOPI breaks that monotony. It’s still a melting pot. Hydraulics next to drag racers. Stance next to 4WD. Evos next to Camaros. Booming stereos, train horns, tire smoke, and 24oz Budweisers. And if you can let your guard down a little bit & leave your snooty criticism at home next to your keyboard… it’s a great time.
Nopi Nats

Did anyone else read “240z budweisers” instead of 24oz budweisers?” I’m too much of a car guy I guess,lol!