What do you think about making a dedicated page in the magazine – where readers can send us whatever they want, and we put it in?? Any rant, any callout, and shameless plug, ownage, picture… whatever?? Me and J. Evins had talked about doing this a while back, and nothing ever came of it. But it seems like it could definitely turn into the best page in the mag if we do it right lol. Anyway – I haven’t even asked our designer about how (or if) it could realistically work. But I figured I’d throw it out there and get ya’lls ideas. I think there would have to be a small charge – about 15 bucks or less even. Not trying to make a bunch of money off it, but a charge would weed out a lot of bs… and keep the submissions at their best. Plus – a charge would guarantee a spot. Anyway – what do you guys think? Might be messy… but might be hilarious.
I’m not laying out that page, lol.
LoL @ Cody’s comment, I think it would be great I never really heard of a mag that really give it’s viewers to speak. What’s the worst that can happen it’s only a page right???
I can hear everyone standing around chanting…..
Do it….Do it……Do it…..Do it……
I think if J. Evins thought it was a good idea, its definitely worth doing!
haha, anyone wanna volunteer to lay out this page???
me!!! *loads up MS Paint*
sounds like a good idea…long as it not the same ppl submit all the time
^^^^good point
I think it would be a bad idea
I’m going to submit a death threat to the gang that killed my homies
^Source Interlink?
i like the idea…basically u are making a blog page for ur mag……………are nudy pics welcome ??haha
I dunno.. you’d wanna be careful about what your print as far as call-outs and shit like that go.. user submitted pics, rants, stuff like that is cool, but you don’t want it to deteriorate into basically a printed forum of egos and bullshit.
I mean, we can gets a lot of the same stuff in a magazine on website/forums – car & event pics, tech & product info – but what separates a magazine from internet is the professionalism, even in a more ‘street level’ and grassroots focused magazine like S3. (Well, that and I can read S3 on the shitter.)
I think the best thing about S3 Magazine is that the focus isn’t on professionalism, its on giving us a genuine, real outlook on the automotive scene… no, the automotive culture, from the perspective of other enthusiasts.
You guys should lighten up on some of the articles. Instead of hating and stressing out on how the scene is dying and selling out and stuff, just be chill and talk about CARS. I think an issue with pure pictures would be cool lol.
I agree you guys should just talk about the legit stuff and not worry about the fakes. Its like fake sushi, you don’t see food and wine magazines hating on mushy rice and fake fish, its all about the real stuff. Everything else is ignored, you guys should do the same. peace
Part of me agrees… I wonder sometimes if we go too serious. But I think it kind of comes with the territory of being an independent enthusiast magazine.
Do it
Worst thing that happens is you get bunch of hilarious emails that don’t go to print.
But yeah, I can already think of about 10 pictures that would be well worth a page by themselves for sheer lol’s