The Biden administration has announced that they will be implementing a 100% tariff on all electric vehicles coming to the US from China. When I first read this I was initially on board and pretty happy about it. But the more I read and think about everything that lead to this decision, the more frustrated and angry I have become.

Tariffs are supposed to be a way to level the playing field between countries. They are there as a way to make sure that one country doesn’t have an unfair advantage over others when it comes to imports and exports. That is kind of the case here, but not really. The fact is that over the last three years we have essentially gift wrapped our entire automotive manufacturing industry and just gave it to China. That’s pretty much what this whole EV push has done. Our own government forced our US manufactures to play a game that they are not currently equipped to play. This tariff really just comes off as a Hail Mary to save our industry after a host of bad decisions doomed it.

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