Well it’s happening. Ford’s getting hit with a lawsuit over the recall on the Mustang Mach E. Not so much over the recall itself… but over the lack of solution for the problem. It seems like the lawyer, Aashish Desai of the Desai Law Firm, is asking all the right questions here. Questions like: “Does Ford have the connectors? Can they not get them? Are they too expensive?”

Desai is also asking very relevant questions concerning the fix, which Ford has alluded will be a software update. Look – any car enthusiast/tuner knows that a ‘software update’ could very well be just scaling back power (aka: a bandage), to not run the affected contactors as hard/hot. Desai brings to light, “If Ford is simply cutting power through the ‘over the air’ software update, recharge times will be much slower and acceleration times will be longer.”

That’s not what customers paid for when they bought the Mach E, and they shouldn’t be ‘updated’ into a lesser product. We all know that recalls are going to be part of the learning curve with EVs. Go ahead & accept that. But for Ford to be oddly vague & unsure about the solution while simultaneously saying this is the future of the brand… well that doesn’t sit well.

Here’s the article from Detroit Free Press.

mach e recall

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