Ricardo S3-23

Text by Wooley   Photos by Tim Acang

Politics – ain’t they great. But hey – no matter what side of the fence (or wall) you’re on when it comes to politics… if you get passionate about it, that’s good, because it means you believe in your version of the American Dream. And that’s what binds us. We may argue over the details. Hell – we SHOULD argue over the details. Because that’s a privilege that not everyone in this world is given. And with all the stupid political pissing contests that we get caught up in… we should at least step back, and realize that we’re all ultimately on the same team. Because while the American Dream is not exclusive to America, it is a gift to Americans, that is not given to every person on the planet. People all over the world have the same dream… except for them it ends at ‘dreaming’. And sometimes it takes an immigrant’s perspective, to make you reborn to the beauty in the way this country is designed.

Ricardo S3-6

Ricardo is the son of immigrants. He has heavy ambition, and a ton of motivation. He is the co-owner of a Mexican restaurant chain, amongst a few other ventures. Yeah – this Chevy runs on tacos. Stereotypical? Yes. Funny? I kinda think so. But Ricardo bought this Camaro SS when they first released as a 2010 model, and he’s been loving it ever since. He sold his ’06 Viper to build the Camaro to the level that it’s at now. Oh – and he’s only TWENTY TWO. Twenty Two!

Ricardo S3-8

This is not the first time I’ve run into this scenario interviewing people for S3. In fact – I’d say it’s a trend of sorts. The children of immigrants to this country – they had a solid work ethic instilled in the from a young age. Their parents came to America because they believed anything was possible here – IF YOU WORK FOR IT. They were willing to put it all on the line for an opportunity at a better life. And that’s how they raised their kids. In my eyes, that makes them more American than a lot of homegrown bottle-fed Americans I see in this country today. I get to talking to these 2nd-gen Americans, and I become inspired by their outlook on life & all their accomplishments… only to find out they’re still ‘just damn kids’ – technically.

Ricardo S3-20

In Ricardo’s case, he worked at his parent’s restaurant everyday after school since he was 16. On the weekends, he pulled doubles. When most 21st-century American teenagers spend all their time at the vape store, talking shit online, or playing video games, Ricardo was putting in serious work. His parent’s told him that if he worked hard, managed his income, and stayed on track, that he could buy into the restaurants when he graduated. And he did… buying 10 percent at age 20.

Ricardo S3-39

So here you have an American kid (the son of immigrants) who is young, ambitious, entrepreneurial, and full of experience & possibilities in his early 20’s. Ready to get out there and kill it. That’s a positive reflection of the American spirit. Meanwhile you have this trend of pampered, self-entitled American-alumni kids coming out of college with little talent, no experience, ‘go fund me’ ambition… and they want someone else to pay for their glory years because life slapped ‘em in the face and it stung a little bit. And these guys would never submit to making tacos. They’re American by right, but they’re a shit-stain on the American spirit. What’s worse – Washington & the media are giving these people attention, a microphone, and a platform… rather than the brutal ear-boxing they deserve.

Ricardo S3-13

As a country, we need to take our guilty-pleasure attention off all the negative sensationalism… and start putting it back on the positives. Gnarly burnouts is a good start.

Ricardo S3-35


2010 Camaro SS

Wrapped in Avery Gloss Dark grey (originally red)

3SDM wheels – Model 0.08 in 20×10.5″ +27 squared

Hankook Ventus V12 tires in 275/35/20

SLP front lip

Drilled and slotted rotors

Vararam intake

Kooks longtube headers

Borla Atak full exhaust

Texas Speed cam Stage-1

Tuned by Dynospeed in Memphis TN

Airlift suspension

Accuair switchspeed management

Ricardo S3-12

Ricardo S3-36

Ricardo S3-33Ricardo S3-32

Ricardo S3-53

Volk wheels CE28 N bronze