Volk wheels CE28 N bronze

So the Mahdavi Motorsports guys got on PINKS, right. And it aired last night… so they had a little get together at the shop and we all watched it together. Mahdavi was sporting the Yellow 2JZ Cressida. Looks about as sexy as a taxi cab… but it took down two Mustangs for the win. Actually… the two Mustangs kinda took themselves down. But like Vin Diesel told us, “a win is a win” or “winning is winning” or something like that… I may not have it quoted right.

Anyway – here are some pics. And congrats to the Mahdavi crew for the victory. And thanks to the Mahdavi crew for their good sportsmanship on the show… and for representing The ATL with style and grace.

old grey-haired guy = Sam Memmolo from Two Guys\' Garage
Sam Memmolo from Two Guys’ Garage

Mahdavi Motorsports - looking in
Mahdavi Motorsports – looking in

...show\'s about to start
…show’s about to start

Pablo hittin\' the open bar
Pablo & beer

Sam Mahdavi looking presidential... so long as you ignore the plastic fork/knife/napkin package wrapper.
Sam Mahdavi looking presidential… as long as you ignore the plastic fork/knife/napkin package.