JDm exhaust

Here’s another instance of an automotive CEO walking-back EV false promises. This time it’s Ford… again. Despite all the aggressive EV marketing propaganda (including this cringy one from Vaughn Gittin below), Ford has lost $2.8 billion so far this year on EVs. Billon with a ‘B’… and that number is climbing. To put it in perspective, Ford’s losing about $70,000 or so in the amount of time it takes you to read this article. So now Ford’s CEO, Jim Farley, is pivoting to talk about what a great concept “hybrids” can be. Hybrids huh… Jesus Jim, ya don’t say… 


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“Hybrid talk” sounds like the sort of back-tracking…

One might do if they realized they rushed ALL the freaking way out over their skis on EVs. And – it would also point to the fact that Toyota has been on the right track all along, despite being brutally criticized for even questioning whether we’re ready for full-scale EV adoption. That’s right – if you remember, progressive EV-activist investors recently tried (and failed) to kick Akio Toyoda (grandson of founder Kiichiro Toyoda) out of Toyota altogether, because he spoke truth they didn’t want to hear… or didn’t want YOU to hear. And this is Toyota we’re talking about, the company that introduced the world to the hybrid vehicle with the original Prius. So maybe, can we start listening to the smartest people in the room please? Because right now, we have activists & politicians who frankly don’t know shit about cars (or running a company)… telling everyone what the future of cars will be. Anyway back to Ford & their hybrids.

Ford hybrid


Ford is apparently catching on to the fact that… 

1) Hybrids take far less resources per vehicle than an EV. 2) They eliminate range barriers. And 3) they save emissions where it actually matters most… during stop-&-go city driving situations. As a rule, hybrids are also 4) more affordable than EVs. So it’s like this: If you get more people driving hybrids, it’s better for the earth than a few rich pricks & twats in EVs. Hybrids can also 5) charge themselves without sucking up energy & time. Plus, they’re 6) lighter than similar-sized EVs, and therefore presumably less destructive and/or deadly to others when involved in an accident. They’re also 7) less taxing on the roads & infrastructure. 

Sure, a hybrid isn’t ideal for everybody…

Just like an EV isn’t ideal for everybody either. Hell I prefer neither. I’d rather “kill the planet” than drive a boring car. And I mean that. Let me ask y’all a question: Have you seen the caliber of our leadership lately? And taking that into account… do you really think it’s gonna be ‘the climate’ that ruins us? Really? You’re joking… just like all these virtue signaling companies are joking when they use words like “zero emissions” & “sustainability”. 

Ford hybrid EV

It’s way past time to cut the sh¡t… 

And start using common sense for our future, rather than scare tactics. If you want really want to reduce your carbon footprint, forfeit your nonessential luxuries & conveniences, DON’T buy a new car, and maintain an existing old Honda Civic from 1992. Or how bout this: walk everywhere… barefoot… because you know how & where those shoes are made?? I’m tired of climate change being used as a weapon to push an agenda, and I’m tired of the target being on the automotive industry. In other words… fuck off. Which is what Ford & other manufacturers should be saying in the face of all this manipulative legislation. I’d have a lot more respect for them if they did. 

Ford Tesla Charging

But over the last couple years, Ford became consumed with…

Trying to be just like Tesla. And Ford made big boastful declarations of a Ford EV future… whether we asked for it or not. But Ford ain’t Tesla. And from the very beginning, Ford rushed-in & had problems with EV adoption. 1) Ford trusted a Chinese battery company with the launch of their Mustang Mach E, and it bit ‘em in the ass big time. 2) They turned their back on their fanbase with the Mach E, and made a mach-ery of an iconic nameplate. 3) Both the Mach E and F150 Lightning had recalls that resulted in stop-sales. To someone not paying attention, Ford deceptively played that off as ‘such high demand’. Which was infuriating to anyone who was actually paying attention. 5) The MSRPs of Ford EVs have soared way beyond what was promised. Then at the beginning of this year – Tesla quit playing & cut their prices significantly, tightening the screws on Ford & every other manufacturer. 

And now when unsold EVs are stacking up & Jim Farley’s got less cards to play, he slaps the hood of a Ford hybrid & says, “Man, do you know how futurey & sustainable these things are?” The kicker in all this is: Ford is pretty good at being Ford… if they get out of their own damn way. 


I don’t know if Jim Farley realizes this yet, but he’s the fall guy.

And at this point, it’s just a matter of time. As a company, Ford has been making reckless, rash, out-of-touch decisions… self sabotaging the company from the inside-out. 1) Ford has damaged relationships with their customer base. They seem hellbent on barreling towards a future that most of their customers never asked for & a good many can’t afford. And they have prioritized non-loyal “future/potential” customers over their loyal fanbase. 2) Ford’s quality has slipped. They are now number-1 in recalls. And 3) Ford has even damaged relationships with their own dealer network. Jim Farley came right out & said that Ford’s EV future will be “brutal” on Ford dealerships. He walked that back as soon as all hell broke loose. And PS: as irritated as we all are with dealership price-gouging these days, Ford’s dealership network is still the backbone of the company. 

Make no mistake…

Even if you buy an internal combustion Bronco, Expedition, Mustang, F150, or Sueprduty… the glaring new higher cost of your vehicle is offsetting Ford’s tremendous EV loses. In other words, you’re paying for a Mach E whether you bought one or not. Ford needs to relearn what their customers want, and they need to go to bat for their customers. Not for an agenda, and not for stockholders that don’t have the company’s best interests in mind.

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